IMPROMPTU #138: Have You Ever Noticed

Have you ever noticed how private
a wet tree is
a curtain of razor blades
Love me because nothing happens.

— Leonard Cohen, from Parasites of Heaven

Write a poem or story that begins with “Have you ever noticed…”

Make it ten lines long.

Include an unlikely metaphor, this to say, use an image in such a way as to reverse its usual associative qualities. (i.e. wet tree as a curtain of razor blades).

Use one example of synaesthesia (mixing the senses).

Include a stranger.

Include the colour purple.

IMPROMPTU #126: An Object in Your Living Room

An object in your living room suddenly has the ability to speak, and it is evil, but it loves you. What is this object? A houseplant? A couch? A record player? A "World's Best Grandpa" mug? An antique porcelain cat? What does it say to you? What do you say back? Write a poem, or series of poems, short story or flash fiction.

Prompt inspiration courtesy of Erin Kirsh, who also happens to write a v funny and insightful blog about writer life, check out The Losing Game. <3