IMPROMPTU #96: 13 Moons

Today's inspiration brought to you by Friday the 13th, Day of the Goddess. Here's a quote from Chani Nicholas about this day: 

"The number 13 has always been associated with the Goddess as there are 13 moons in a year. The word for Friday derives from the Latin phrase "dies Veneris", which simply means "Day of Venus." Friday is also thought to be named after the ancient goddess Frigg and/or Freya, as in "Freya's Day" or "Frigg's Day". This is a day of luck and blessings. The only bad thing about Friday the 13th is the misogynistic misinformation that keeps us from celebrating its namesake and power."

Your prompt is "13 moons." 

Make it wild. Make it ugly. Make it sweet. Make it.