Word Vancouver: Poetry Bus! Celebrating the 26th Year of Poetry in Transit
In partnership with TransLink and BC Transit, The Association of Book Publishers of BC (ABPBC) presents the launch of this year’s Poetry In Transit campaign at Word Vancouver. Now celebrating its 26th year, this community-engagement project displays the work of ten BC poets on public transit vehicles throughout the province.
On September 25th, 2022, join us to hear a selection of the featured 2022/23 poets read from their work. With readings by Joseph Dandurand (The East Side of It All, Nightwood Editions), Henry Doyle (No Shelter, Anvil Press), Leanne Dunic (One and half of you, Talonbooks), Bára Hladík (New Infinity, Metatron Press), Ellie Sawatzky (None of This Belongs to Me, Nightwood Editions), Isabella Wang (Pebble Swing, Nightwood Editions), and Terence Young (Smithereens, Harbour Publishing).
Hosted by Evelyn Lau.