IMPROMPTU #142: Samhain

“I move my hand and feel a touch
move with me, and when I brush
my own mind across another,
I am with my mother’s mother.”

- Annie Finch, from “Samhain”

The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest at this time of year. Write a story or poem or song in which your speaker/character interacts with an ancestor (or ancestors).

Attn: Writers - Announcing the #NOVEMBEROTIC Writing Challenge!


Big plans are in place to spice up your November with the #novemberotic 30-day writing challenge on IMPROMPTU Instagram, featuring sweet and sexy writing prompts by myself and my babely compatriot, Joelle Barron. You may be aware that November is National Novel-Writing month - if that’s not your jam (it sure isn’t mine), but you still want to challenge yourself, #novemberotic is for you. What you might expect: saucy word pools, steamy erasures, provocative visuals, and more - posted first thing every morning on @impromptuprompts. I’ve been struggling slightly to keep IMPROMPTU up to date here on my website, so these writing prompts will be posted exclusively on Instagram. Do follow along! Check back in with us November 1st, and be sure to use our hashtag. We can’t wait to see what you come up with (heyo)!