IMPROMPTU #74: Something You'd Like to Set on Fire

Write about something you'd like to set on fire — whether it's an act of rage, or love, or release, or in service of some much-needed heat (literal or metaphorical). A letter, a photo, a memory, an ugly sweater, a piece of furniture, a sexual encounter.

For further inspiration, listen to the song Lost and Found by Jenny Ritter from her album Raised by Wolves. There's a part of the song that's about setting fire to a piano.


IMPROMPTU #73: Write a List of Mysteries

Write a list of things that are mysteries to you.  

Here are some of mine: 


Car engines.

Men who are super into knives.

My brain.

The Internet.


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IMPROMPTU #72: An Arrival

Write a story, poem, play, essay, memoir, song - or draw or paint or collage something (my dear friend Emily Carlaw @frecklesandporcelain recently pointed out to me that IMPROMPTU prompts can also be used for art). 

Include these 5 ingredients:

1. An arrival
2. An object you love
3. Something you're not sorry about.
4. The next sound you hear
5. Something you wish you'd never been told